The initial appointment is an evaluation with a consultation. Evaluation includes formal speech and language testing and a hearing screening. Written reports can be sent to physicians, schools, and other agencies with parental permission.
Individual therapy is provided. Group sessions are offered when deemed beneficial. Therapy goals are discussed with parents or client at the onset of treatment.
Home Program
Children and Adults attending therapy will receive specific exercises and practices to follow through at home. The home program is an essential role in achieving success in therapy goals.
Articulation Therapy
"I always see my son's tongue between his teeth as he speaks".
To improve speech production and increase speech intelligibility including a lisp, phonological disorders, speech sound errors, and developmental apraxia.
Oro-motor Therapy
"Thomas is so frustrated his friends can't understand him".
To improve feeding and drinking skills. To introduce exercises for tongue, lips, and jaw for better articulation placement. To decrease drooling. To develop better oral function for speech production. To improve oro-motor planning for the apraxic child.
Language Therapy
Mia, 5 years old, "It's hard me to explain my ideas".
To develop and enhance receptive language, which is understanding and to develop expressive language which is speaking.
Stuttering Therapy
Joshua, 35 years old,"It's Easier Done Than Said"
To improve fluent speech for children and adults who stutter. Certification from the Natural Center for Stuttering. Provider and Referral source for The Stuttering Foundation.
"Even though he stuttered he kept going "
Myofunctional Therapy
"Maddie's' teeth shifted after her braces came off".
To improve dental alignment with correction of swallow pattern. Certification from Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Dentistry.
Auditory Processing Therapy
"I have to tell Matthew directions over and over".
Computer-based programs to improve auditory skills, attention and focusing skills.
Feeding Therapy
"Maria is such a fussy eater".
Providing sensory techniques to tolerate textures, improve chewing skills, and encourage swallowing.
Group Classes Available
Ages 18 months to 12 years
18 months-30 months
This group is designed to meet the needs to children with delayed speech and language. These young children will benefit from interaction in a small group, learn to share, take turns, and follow directions. The routine offers structured activities to include developing speech skills, improving receptive and expressive language skills, and improving gross and fine motor imitation. Parents will receive a written summary of the child’s progress at the end of the program.
20 months-36 months
This group is designed to meet the needs to children with delayed speech and language. These young children will benefit from interaction in a small group, learn to share, take turns, and verbalize spontaneously. The routine offers structured activities to include developing speech skills, improving receptive and expressive language skills, and improving gross and fine motor imitation. Parents will receive a written summary of the child’s progress at the end of the program.
3-5 years
This group is designed to meet the needs to children with delayed speech and language. These young children will benefit from interaction in a small group, learn to share, take turns, follow directions, and verbalize spontaneously. The routine offers structured activities to include developing speech skills, improving receptive and expressive language skills, and improving gross and fine motor imitation. Parents will receive a written summary of the child’s progress at the end of the program.
6-12 years
This group is designed to meet the needs of children who would benefit from therapy targeting expressive and receptive language and/or pragmatics. These children will be placed with their peers in a small group setting. The group offers structured activities targeting social peer interaction and language skills necessary for an academic setting. All activities will emphasize speech concepts. Parents will receive a written summary of the child’s progress at the end of the program.